lördagen den 25:e mars 2006 - vad tror mumrik egentligen på? *häller min tro i the belief-o-matic. väntar spänt på resultatet.*
*ler lyckligt*
hittade av en slump ett teologiskt test - "the belief-o-matic"!
enligt den är jag tydligen en riktig "flumskalle" som passar alldeles ypperligt i "unitarian universalism" - det var länge sedan jag fick ett 100%-igt resultat...
vad *är* då "unitarian universalism"?
ställen där jag inte alls passar in är jehovas vittnen (19 %) och jesu kristi kyrka av sista dagars heliga aka "mormonkyrkan" (28 %)...
(visst har jag nämnt att mumrik faktiskt har en kort men bejublad karriär inom jesu kristi kyrka av sista dagars heliga bakom sig? jag ångrar inte att jag lät döpa mig där, men jag ångrar inte heller att jag lämnade den kyrkan...)
the belief-o-matic
("warning: Belief-O-Matic™ assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul." - you gotta *"love"* the united states! ;o)

hittade av en slump ett teologiskt test - "the belief-o-matic"!
enligt den är jag tydligen en riktig "flumskalle" som passar alldeles ypperligt i "unitarian universalism" - det var länge sedan jag fick ett 100%-igt resultat...
vad *är* då "unitarian universalism"?
• | Belief in Deity Very diverse beliefs--Unitarian/Universalists welcome all deity beliefs as well as nontheistic beliefs. Some congregations are formed for those who share a common belief, e.g. Christianity. |
• | Incarnations Very diverse beliefs, including belief in no incarnations, or that all are the embodiment of God. Some believe Christ is God's Son, or not Son but "Wayshower." |
• | Origin of Universe and Life Diverse beliefs, but most believe in the Bible as symbolic and that natural processes account for origins. |
• | After Death Diverse beliefs, but most believe that heaven and hell are not places but are symbolic. Some believe heaven and hell are states of consciousness either in life or continuing after death; some believe in reincarnation; some believe that afterlife is nonexistent or not known or not important, as actions in life are all that matter. |
• | Why Evil? Most do not believe that humanity inherited original sin from Adam and Eve or that Satan actually exists. Most believe that God is good and made people inherently good but also with free will and an imperfect nature that leads some to immoral behavior. Diverse beliefs. Some believe wrong is committed when people distance themselves from God. Some believe in “karma,” that what goes around comes around. Some believe wrongdoing is a matter of human nature, psychology, sociology, etc. |
• | Salvation Some believe in salvation through faith in God and Jesus Christ, along with doing good works and doing no harm to others. Many believe all will be saved, as God is good and forgiving. Some believe in reincarnation and the necessity to eliminate personal greed or to learn all of life’s lessons before achieving enlightenment or salvation. For some, the concepts of salvation or enlightenment are irrelevant or disbelieved. |
• | Undeserving Suffering Diverse beliefs. Most Unitarians do not believe that Satan causes suffering. Some believe suffering is part of God’s plan, will, or design, even if we don’t immediately understand it. Some don’t believe in any spiritual reasons for suffering, and most take a humanistic approach to helping those in need. |
• | Contemporary Issues The Unitarian Universalist Association’s stance is to protect the personal right to choose abortion. Other contemporary views include working for equality for homosexuals, gender equality, a secular approach to divorce and remarriage, working to end poverty, promoting peace and nonviolence, and environmental protection. |
ställen där jag inte alls passar in är jehovas vittnen (19 %) och jesu kristi kyrka av sista dagars heliga aka "mormonkyrkan" (28 %)...
(visst har jag nämnt att mumrik faktiskt har en kort men bejublad karriär inom jesu kristi kyrka av sista dagars heliga bakom sig? jag ångrar inte att jag lät döpa mig där, men jag ångrar inte heller att jag lämnade den kyrkan...)
the belief-o-matic
("warning: Belief-O-Matic™ assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul." - you gotta *"love"* the united states! ;o)
