onsdagen den 7:e februari 2007 - which archangel are you?

next to michael, you are the only other angel mentioned in the new testament bible. even though you are not cited as an archangel, you are commonly recognized as being equally powerful.
in the christian faith, you are best known as the angel who brings mary the news of her virgin conception (luke 1:26-38); in the muslim faith, you are best known as the angel who God chooses to reveal the qur'an to the prophet muhammad.
communicative, artistic, and diplomatic you are passionate about promoting good will and creating interpersonal relationships.
those who seek guidance in speech and better teaching skills look to you as their patron.
you share an archangel feast day with michael and raphael on september 29."
okej, det testresultatet kan jag leva med!
vilken ärkeängel är Du?